The project target areas are outlined in the map below. Each of the LIFE on Machair project target areas lie within and/or are part of a Natura 2000 site. The Natura 2000 site names and codes (SAC and SPA) are listed below. In some instances the project target areas form a subset of habitats within these larger complexes.

Natura 2000 Sites
Type | Code | Name |
SCI | IE0000147 | Horn Head and Rinclevan SAC |
SCI | IE0000507 | Inishkea Islands SAC |
SPA | IE0004004 | Inishkea Islands SPA |
SPA | IE0004037 | Blacksod Bay/Broad Haven SPA |
SPA | IE0004093 | Termoncarragh Lake and Annagh Machair SPA |
SCI | IE0001141 | Gweedore Bay and Islands SAC |
SCI | IE0001497 | Doogort Machair/Lough Doo SAC |
SPA | IE0004235 | Doogort Machair SPA |
SCI | IE0001529 | Lough Cahasy, Lough Baun and Roonah Lough SAC |
SCI | IE0001932 | Mweelrea/Sheeffry/Erriff Complex SAC |
SCI | IE0002074 | Slyne Head Peninsula SAC |
SCI | IE0002129 | Murvey Machair SAC |
SCI | IE0000470 | Mullet/Blacksod Bay Complex SAC |